This test has 20 true/false questions and will last 15 minutes.
Personal computers and light factory equipment such as portable drills provide examples of industrial goods that would be classified as accessory equipment.
Relationships between business marketers tend to be close and enduring.
Customers in the business market can be broadly classified into three categories: (1) commercial enterprises; (2) government; and (3) institutions.
A close examination of a market-driven firm will reveal two important capabilities: market sensing and customer linking.
Planning in the business marketing setting requires more functional interdependence and a closer relationship to total corporate strategy than does planning in the consumer goods sector.
Supply chain management requires Information sharing, shared technologies, and shared benefits.
The "compatibility" of a cross-functional working relationship can be defined as the common ground or shared goals that can unite managers who represent different functional areas.
As foundation goods are used up or worn out, a portion of their original cost is assigned to the production process as a depreciation expense.
None of the products purchased by customers in the business market are the same as those purchased by ultimate consumers.
In contrast to raw materials, manufactured materials and parts would be classified as capital items.
Industrial goods are classified on the basis of how organizational buyers shop for particular products and services.
Personal selling is less important for supplies than it is for other categories of goods, such as installations.
A marketing strategy that works well for selling entering goods should be equally successful for facilitating goods.
Price may be critical in the marketing strategy for supplies because many supply items are undifferentiated.
Due to downturns in the economy, the demand for many consumer products tends to fluctuate more than the demand for industrial products.
Firms operating in the business market must respond not to a single consumer but to a much wider group of buying influential, all of whom may bring different criteria to bear on the purchase decision.
The intended use of the product and the intended consumer distinguishes business marketing from consumer-goods marketing.
Other functional areas affect all business marketing decisions, either directly or indirectly.
The demand for industrial products is derived from the ultimate demand for consumer products.
A particular industrial customer might be properly classified as a user by some business marketers and an original equipment manufacturer by other business marketers.
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