Marketing Chit & Chat
Consumer behavior

eBook Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being

Michael R. Solomon (2020). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being. 13ed, Pearson. Bấm tại đây

eBook Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy

J. Paul Peter and Jerry Olson (2010). Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy, 9th Edition, McGraw Hill. Bấm tại đây

Consumer Behavior. Lecture 2: A Framework for Consumer Analysis

Learning outcomes: Define and identify affective and cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors. Recognize why all three factors must be taken into consideration for a thorough understanding of consumers. Understand that marketing strategies can influence consumers’ affect and cognitions, behaviors, and environment, and in turn are influenced by these factors. Describe the dynamic process of reciprocal […]

Consumer Behavior. Lecture 3: Consumer Decision Making

After finishing this chapter, students should be able to: discuss how stored knowledge interacts with environmental factors to influence consumers’ decision-making processes. describe the key features of problem solving. describe the various aspects of problem representation, including goal hierarchies, choice alternatives and choice criteria. discuss the types of end goals and their effects on problem […]

Consumer Behavior. Lecture 5: Market Segmentation and Product Positioning

After completing this chapter, the student should be able to: define market segmentation. elaborate on the major steps in developing a segmentation strategy. describe the benefit approaches to segmenting a market. describe the psychographic segmentation using the VALSTM describe person/situation segmentation and the steps involved. describe geodemographic segmentation and the PRISM NE system. define product […]